Spiritual Success or Distress?
teacher's guide Quarter 4, Lesson 2

Lesson Two

We Use; We Do Not Own

Text: Luke 12:13-21

Note to teachers: the objective of this lesson is to develop and advance the students' concept and understanding of materialism. The roots of materialism are (1) a self-centered existence, (2) the belief that true reality centers in the physical, and (3) the desire for a physical existence that eliminates the need to consider God.

"I am materialistic!" How many Christians would openly make that declaration? How many Christians would be offended if anyone seriously called them materialistic? From the Christian perspective, materialism is at the least "bad" or at the most "evil." It properly belongs with ungodly perspectives. It is correctly labeled as an ungodly, "this world" perspective.

To the Christian, the word describes an evil condition. But what is materialism? When does a Christian know that he or she is materialistic? or has a materialistic view of life? or is controlled by materialism? Typically, Christians have a problem identifying true materialism. Is materialism an attitude? Is it a set of emotions? Is it merely ownership? Is it a level of wealth? Is it a problem involving only "the rich"? Can "the poor" be materialistic? The only "certain" matter about materialism is this: materialism is a "them" problem, not a "me" or "us" problem.

These questions can be answered correctly only when a person understands (1) what materialism is and (2) how it works internally within a person.

Christians tend to be more comfortable declaring what materialism is not. "It is not materialistic to own things." "Being poor for poverty's sake is not a virtue." "Enjoying a good standard of living is not materialistic." "Finding joy in a good lifestyle is not materialistic." "Making preparation to retire without financial anxiety is not materialistic."

Focus attention on a common situation: many Christians think they prevent materialism by declaring what materialism "is not." Even if their conclusions are correct (such conclusions often involve assumptions), understanding what materialism "is not" does not correctly identify what materialism "is." Such ignorance leaves the person vulnerable and easily deceived.

Christians prefer to ignore materialism. Why? Its existence depends on the mind, heart, attitudes, and devotion of the person. It concerns internal conditions, not external criteria. Two people can have the same income, standard of living, amount of savings, possessions, retirement plan, and benefits. Yet, it is possible for one to be materialistic and the other not.

Typically, Christians prefer to address questions and seek their answers when (1) the answer is an external specific; (2) the answer does not require an internal evaluation; (3) the answer involves little or no internal change; and (4) the answer focuses on a specific action that will "fix" the problem "once for all time."

Materialism is an attitude. Attitude one: "I own and control my possessions! They are mine! I worked hard to obtain them! They were not a gift!" Attitude two: "I love what I have! My possessions are the most valuable, important things in my life! I define me by what I possess!" Attitude three: "I want what you have! My life would be wonderful and easy if we swapped places! All my problems could be and would be solved if I had money and possessions!"

Materialism is a perspective. "Everything real exists in this world and this life. Only real, 'this world' things provide human security. The poor have no security. Wealth provides power, opportunity, and the means to create your own security. Poverty makes you powerless. Poverty makes you a victim. Placing hope for security in God is foolish, wishful thinking."

Materialism is a love. Materialism loves things and uses people. People are valuable only if they can help me achieve my goals and objectives. The person who is unable to help me advance my material objectives is useless to me. I value only those people who benefit me. If I have to choose between a person (even a family member) and an important asset, I will choose the asset. My family must never forget that they are second. Acquiring success in my business or career will always receive my first consideration. People problems are an inconvenient drain that get in my way. Ambition problems are a challenge that stimulate me. In the battle to acquire things, I love to win! Relationship problems are a nuisance to distract me from my real goals and purposes. I love my work! I tolerate the people in my life.

Materialism concerns my value system, my priorities, my motivations, my perspective, my attitudes, and my heart. It is addressed when I deal with "in here" conditions, not "out there" conditions. In the spiritual war against materialism, I am the battlefield.

Read Luke 12:13-21.

  1. What situation and request created the occasion for this parable (verse 13)?

    The situation: a family inheritance had not been divided. The common way to divide a family inheritance then was to give a double share of the inheritance to the oldest son. All other sons received single shares. For example, for two sons the family inheritance would be divided into three parts. The oldest son would receive two thirds and the youngest son would receive one third.

    The request: "Jesus, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me."

  2. Jesus used two approaches to answer the man. What were the two (verses 14-21)?

    Jesus' first approach was to ask the brother this question: "Who appointed me to be the judge or arbiter in this matter?" Jesus' second approach was to use the parable to focus everyone on the basic problem.

  3. What warning did Jesus give his audience (verse 15)? In the situation, who was greedy?

    The warning: be on guard against every form of greed. In this situation, both brothers suffered from different forms of greed. Each brother's actions were motivated by greed.

  4. What did Jesus say about measuring your life (verse 15)?

    Do not measure your life by the abundance of your material possessions.

  5. Remember it was an agricultural society. Describe the harvest of the rich man (verse 16)?

    His fields produced productively. He had a "once in a lifetime" record crop.

  6. What problem did the record harvest create for the rich man (verse 17)?

    The record harvest was so large that it exceeded his ability to store it.

  7. What was the rich man's solution (verse 18)?

    He planned to tear down his existing barns and replace them with barns large enough to store his harvest.

  8. What did the rich man say to himself (verse 19)? What is your understanding of the rich man talking to his "soul"?

    He said, "Soul, your fields have produced an incredible harvest. This harvest will take care of you for years. Your future is secure. Now take life easy. Spend life having a good time. Live in the awareness that you will never be concerned about life's necessities again."

  9. God called the man a fool (verse 20). Why?

    The man assumed that he would continue to live for years. He assumed a long earthly future was assured. He assumed his greatest needs were physical. He assumed that the wealth produced by the harvest was his. He assumed that physical wealth guaranteed security. He assumed the goal of physical existence is a worry free, enjoyable, easy physical life. In his assumptions he did not consider this: he would die that night. Through death he would leave physical wealth behind for someone else to use.

  10. What was the problem (verse 21)?

    The problem: the man was convinced that the purpose of life was acquiring wealth for self. He was unconcerned about being rich toward God. His problem was a common problem experienced by the rich and the poor.

  11. Read Deuteronomy 15:1-11. Examine the attitudes that formed the foundation of these instructions to Israel. Remember Jesus' audience was Jewish. They acknowledged this to be God's instruction. In this context, what is your understanding of the rich man's problem?

    His problem: (1) Life's greatest concern is physical reality. (2) Life's greatest concern is not the needs of other people. (3) Life's greatest concern certainly is not the situations of the poor. (4) Life's basic concern is about taking care of yourself, not about helping others. (5) True wealth is found in physical wealth. It is not to be found in serving God and His purposes.

    God's concerns and directions were nothing more than religious technicalities. God's concern for people had little to do with the "realities and needs of physical life." God's concern for people was not to be taken seriously.

  12. Thought questions:

    1. Was the field evil for producing a record harvest? No.

    2. Was it evil for the man to refuse to waste his record harvest? No

    3. Was it evil for the man to build buildings large enough to store his harvest? No

    4. Was it possible for the man to have a record harvest, to build facilities to care for that harvest, and to store the harvest as a godly person instead of a greedy person? Yes

    5. Explain why the man was materialistic. Distinguish between the action of a godly, responsible Jewish farmer and the action of a self-reliant, materialistic Jewish farmer.

      The man was materialistic because (1) he thought only of himself; (2) God's concerns had no role in his thinking, considerations, or plans; (3) he measured security only in terms of physical abundance; (4) his understanding of life's purpose was his own ease and pleasure.

  13. Did the man "own" his record harvest? Explain your answer.

    He did not "own" his harvest. He exercised control over it only so long as he physically lived. When he died, he left everything physical behind.

  14. Discuss how a godly Jew would use a record harvest.

    A godly Jew would have used a record harvest to help the widow, the orphan, and the poor. His priority would be defined by God's priority--people.

Every year the farmer prepared in similar ways. He sowed his fields. He used the best seed available. However, he benefitted from variables he could not control. He had nothing to do with temperature, sunshine, rainfall occurrence/frequency/amount, or the arrival of planting and harvesting seasons. His attitude: "Look what I did!" He deserved the benefit. To him, the harvest meant 100% independence. He could create his security. God was not a factor in his security. He was the source of his blessings.

Had it been the farmer's decision, every year would produce a record harvest. Nothing he did prevented that. The variables beyond his control made the record harvest possible.

One of the enormous dangers of our technology age is deceit of "human sufficiency." We live in an environment humans produced. We live in societies and situations we are convinced we control. Our lifestyle is based on the products and situations we produce. We surround ourselves so completely with a humanly produced environment that God is a "non-factor" in our thinking.

When a powerful storm produces a massive disruption in our power supply, we see how quickly and how totally our humanly produced environment disappears. We see how quickly we go from "being in control" to "being virtually helpless."

Link to Student Guide Quarter 4, Lesson 2

Copyright © 2000
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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