Lesson 9
Lesson Nine
My View Of Me
Text: Luke 17:1-10
Before attending the class, read the text and think about/answer the questions.
- What is inevitable? Why? What is Jesus emphasis?
- What consequence would be better than being the source of stumbling? Discuss
this in the context of the first century Jewish world.
- What responsibility does Jesus' disciple have toward repentance?
- How did the apostles react to Jesus' statement? Discuss why they reacted in this
- What was very small faith capable of doing?
- In the context of the first century and the context of the parable, how would an owner
not treat a hard-working slave?
- How would an owner treat a hard-working slave?
- Would an owner thank a slave for doing what a slave should do?
- What attitude should a person who is Jesus' disciple have?
- Personal thought/reflection question: how can I increase my awareness this year that
surrendering myself to demanding service to God is only doing what I should do?
Copyright © 2003
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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