Lesson 8
Lesson Eight
Exaggerating Worth
Text: Luke 18:9-14
Before attending class, read the text and think about/answer the questions.
- To whom did Jesus address this parable?
- What would we call the kind of righteousness that came from a person who trusted
self? Why would we consider them self-righteous?
- To whom did the Pharisee pray? (Because he was in a temple courtyard, it is
unlikely that he thought he was praying to himself and not God.)
- What did he say in his prayer? With what was he obviously impressed?
- For what was he thankful? Discuss why he might have been thankful for such.
- Discuss the attitude and body language of the publican (tax gatherer).
- What was his only request? What did he know (understand) he was?
- Who went away from the temple justified? What does that mean?
- Why did this person leave justified?
- Personal thought/reflection question: specifically what can I do to grow in humility
before God this year?
Copyright © 2003
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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