Who Are You To Write About This?
No, I am not an elder, and I have never been one. However, in over fifty
years of preaching, I have attended many, many elders meetingsI suspect
numerically more than many elders. I also suspect I have been exposed to more
elderships than many elders. I am deeply impressed with the difficulty of
seeking to lead a congregation. Such leadership is far more difficult and
demanding than the average person (who has not has been in nor been exposed to
such leadership) could imagine. I have never "voted" on an item, nor have intentionally tried to guide the
direction of an elders discussion to achieve my own agenda. Typically, I make a
comment on a matter when (1) I am asked to comment or (2) I think it would be
helpful to the discussion to consider an unmentioned view. In the majority of
the meetings I attend, I make no comment at all. Someone may ask, "Then why go at all?" I feel I can best represent the elders
if I know how they think. I wish to be in position to bless the elders as they
deal with extremely complex tasks. I delight in being part of the team that
blesses the congregation. Of the men I have known as elders, most have been and are exceptionally good
men. They are and have been conscientious in their relationships. They are
devoted husbands, caring fathers, and principled businessmen or workers. No,
they were not perfect (no one is), but they were conscientious and committed.
They were the kind of men in all aspects of their lives that I felt privileged
to call "friend" as well as "brother in Christ." I also have known men who should not have been elders. Their motives or basic
reasons for congregational leadership that they made clearly evident were not
godly motives. Some were elders for reasons that had nothing to do with godly
values. Some were arrogant and unapproachable. Some drove others out of serving
as elders because they did not share the triumphant elder's personal values.
Some were impossible for anyone to work with. Some resorted to violent acts.
Some were authoritarians who demanded personal control. Some were "always
right." A congregation should belong to Christin both leadership and followship.
The objective of a congregation is to assist people in being Jesus disciples.
In twenty-first century America, that is a huge challenge! However, the
challenge we face is no bigger than that in the first-century pagan world. Many
in that world commonly regarded Jesus as a sham and the concept of resurrection
as laughable.
What makes this role of conscientious leadership so difficult? First, this role
of leadership works over an all-voluntary membership. This voluntary membership
can come or go as it chooses. Each individual member in the congregation chooses
to be a part of the congregation. This person even chooses to be involved to the
extent of his or her desire. When the person is displeased, he or she "makes a
statement with the feet" by going somewhere else. Rarely will a member make a
public outburst or scene. Typically a member simply will disappear and quietly
go elsewhere.
An increasing number of members (now numbering as much as 50% in many
congregations) express membership by considering themselves to be "attending
members." These people commonly do not go through a process of publicly placing
themselves in the congregation. If they attend frequently on Sunday mornings
over a long period of time, they consider themselves members because "everyone
knows I come here." Placing themselves under the eldership is considered
unnecessary since attending is all that is necessary. Even when some of them
drop out later and cease attending anywhere, they continue to consider
themselves membersin fact, they are deeply offended by perceived attempts
(imagined or actual) to remove them from membership in the congregation. Thus
elders are constantly seeking to decide who is and who is not an actual part of
the congregation.
Second, this role of leadership is difficult because it deals with complex
matters. Most elders I have known care about the congregation, and care deeply.
Their perspectives may differ, but they all care deeply about the well-being of
the congregation. The individual elders many differ in their areas of concern,
but their concern is genuine. Often, elders (1) know factors that many in the
congregation do not know or (2) are aware of convictions and sensitivities that
are not common knowledge in the congregation. Such situations often place elders
in a dilemma that many interpret as "indecisive foot-dragging." It is
challenging to make a decision when elders know the decision has a significant
possibility of producing major congregational resentment.
Third, this role of leadership is difficult because rarely do all the elders
share the same spiritual value system. For example, some may favor doctrinal
stances over people needs, and others may favor people needs over doctrinal
stances. Or, one may be deeply concerned about precedent, while another wants to
do what is appropriate without regard to precedent. Or, one may focus on the
values of preserving local congregational traditions and another be concerned
about his perception of truth to the exclusion of methods. The result: the
elders must reach a consensus among themselves before they seek to lead the
congregation. Commonly, that is not a simple matter!
Good Men
Among these good men are those who learned from past mistakes and are more
effective because of what they learned. I have tremendous respect for Christian
men or women who have learned from past failures and use their lessons learned
to bless others. Nothing is accomplished by miring ourselves in the guilt of our
past mistakes "up to our axles" as we continue life in a misery that drags
others down. To accept God's forgiveness, to bless others with the lessons we
learned, and to develop the ability to give others hope and courage is
infinitely Christian! Peter would say "Amen" to that! Today there is an enormous
need for the humble Christian who has "been there and done that," but triumphed
by faith in the Jesus who died and was resurrected for us.
I have known elders who developed a personal program of benevolence for the
poor, who specialized in giving the downtrodden a second chance, who honed
special talents into abilities that targeted special needs, or who made special
personal sacrifices that few knew. These good men had a continuing, abiding
awareness of what Jesus Christ did and continued to do for them. Often the
congregation did not know how blessed it was by the spiritual devotion of such
Bad Men
This never ceases to be astounding: to note men of little biblical knowledge and
less spiritual insight who grasp control of a congregation quickly upon
appointment as elders. The month before appointment they are not spiritual
guides in a congregation. However, from the day of recognition as elders, they
are men of enormous power. What happened?
Commonly, the personal agendas of such men have little to do with biblical
values or godly concepts. It is very disconcerting to see or be part of a
congregation with a man in leadership who is ungodly in attitude, behavior, or
The Infinite Challenge
It was God in Jesus Christ that made the message effective. Read 1 Corinthians
1:26-31. Hopefully, these thoughts will produce some practical insights to
increase our effectiveness as we find life in Jesus Christ. Hopefully, many of
the concepts shared will make Christians more effective on every level of
leadership undertaken.
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