Mark 16:15 - Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
[the earth's 7 billion people].


West-Ark Church of Christ

Missions Milestones

Since 1987 the West-Ark congregation has sent workers, financial assistance, and/or relief supplies to the following mission sites:

Foreign Mission Efforts

Albania, American Samoa, Argentina, Bulgaria, China, England, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kenya, Kiribati, Laos, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Vanuatu, plus other Pacific island nations and several former Soviet republics and medical projects of African Christian Hospitals Foundation

Domestic Mission Efforts

Fort Defiance, AZ; Madera, CA; West Haven, CT; Chicago, IL; Portland, ME; Worchester, MA; International Bible College campaigns; Harding University campaigns; Baldwin Church of Christ tract ministry; Manuelito Children's Home; Southern Christian Home; local Hispanic work


Foreign missions program begins with special contribution in May
Randy English and Wade Tanneyhill are sent to begin education at IBC
Benue State, Nigeria, work begins with four families
Two-year program trains 22 men to preach
Twenty new Nigerian congregations are established over time
Ghana follow-up work begins with World Bible School

West-Ark group travels to Portland, Maine, for campaign

Randy English begins evangelistic work in South Pacific

Work of establishing congregations in Thailand begins
West-Ark group travels to Nigerian Christian Hospital for medical mission

West-Ark eldership chooses to begin work in Bulgaria
Tom Black and family begin four-year tour in Bulgaria
Wade Tanneyhill begins domestic evangelistic work
West-Ark's first medical mission trip to Guyana
Our first trip to Laos

Vince Payne begins International Bible College education
West-Ark's first mission trip to South Pacific

Real estate purchased for congregation in Thailand
Thomas Kweekul surveys Laos congregations for opportunity
Medical mission to Vanuatu

Vince Payne completes education at IBC
Payne family begins work with Spanish-speaking church in Madera, CA
End of nine year work plan in Benue State, Nigeria
Planning begins for project in Laos

Guyana, Thailand, Ethiopia, New Zealand
Madera, California
Jerry and Meg Canfield depart for Laos

Guyana, Thailand, Ethiopia
Canfields are arrested in Laos in January
Madera, California, support ends in June

Work in France begins
Guyana Medical Missions continue
Thailand, Laos, Ethiopia

local Hispanic work
Thailand, Laos, Vietnam
Ethiopia, France, Nigeria, Guyana

To God be the glory! Great things He has done!

In 1948 the United Nations unanimously approved of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which reads, "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom ... to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance."