Send a get well greeting to a patient at Sparks Hospital. |
**Thoughts From Matthew**
Elders, Deacons, Preachers, Office Staff
2002-2011 Bulletins (some with password)
Chris' Written Without Ink blog
Chris' Magic Lantern Show blog
Chris' latest sermon
David's Snippets from David blog
David Chadwell's bulletin articles
David Chadwell's sermons
Introduction to West-Ark (overview of what we believe and practice)
contact the Webminister
United for this Common Cause:
who are Eager to Serve Others |
Our Goals for the Congregation:
Daily focus on Jesus and the Cross. | Nurture spiritual growth to transform all into God's holiness. | Increase love and godly behavior. | Recognize our spiritual gifts and use them to glorify God. | Proclaim a biblical worldview that is obedient to Christ. |
Prerequisites for West-Ark Membership:
I have committed my life to Jesus Christ as Lord by being born into the family of God through immersion.
How can West-Ark Partners Grow Spiritually?
Worship God every Sunday with my West-Ark family. | Grow spiritually through Bible study and Christian relationships. | Serve others in the name of Christ. |
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